A Christina Aguilera tattoo could be one quick way to get the temporary celebrity look today. If you’re looking for a unique Christine Aguilera tattoo design, then check out our striking sacred scroll tattoo below. It will look just divine to you and your friends!
Rising British photographer Brett Lloyd recently captured Ash and Josh for a feature in T. I Post, with the focus being on their elaborate tattoos.
The trio previously collaborated on a Dazed & Confused shoot that ranks as one of my favorites from 2008. You can see it alongside other features from Brett Lloyd, Ash Stymest, and Josh Beech in the related section below.
Hawaii, USA :: Despite Mischa Barton and Cisco Adler’s reported engagement this past weekend, Mischa Barton is furious with the”Kimberly [Stewart]” tattoo still etched above reported fiance Cicso’s heart. Will this reported engagement last longer than Kim Stewart and Laguna Beach’s Talan Torriero two-week engagement (incidentally called off this weekend as well). Thanks for keeping engagements so sacred, Hollywood!